李开源,教授,威廉希尔体育经理,国家海外高层次青年人才,国务院重特大火灾事故调查组专家,消防工程专业教学指导委员会委员,法国科学院客座教授,美国消防工程师协会专业会员,FDS软件开发团队成员。主持国家/省部级科研项目6项(国家基金4项),海外基金3项,国际合作项目2项,发表SCI论文100余篇,其中第一作者30篇,通讯作者46篇(不重复统计),在国际燃烧学大会PCI和Combust. Flame上发表论文13篇,作大会/特邀报告10余次,参编消防救援行业标准1项,相关成果写入FDS源程序,参与江西新余“1∙24”特大火灾等9次重特大火灾事故调查。担任第11届火灾科学与消防工程国际研讨会大会主席、第39届国际燃烧学大会火灾分论坛共同主席,工程热物理学会燃烧学术年会及青年燃烧会火灾专题负责人,Fire Technology和Fire and Materials编委。获全国消防科学传播先进个人、新西兰消防局特殊贡献奖,湖北省科技进步三等奖,全国火灾调查技术学术工作委员会优秀论文奖,安徽省学术自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖,Fire Safety J.授予的Editor-in-Chief’s Featured Article奖(两次)等。
专 业:新能源及储能安全、智慧消防安全、火灾智能防控与大数据应急响应、材料热解与高值利用、火灾动力学
电 话: +86-15755152331
E-mail: kaiyuan.li@alumni.aalto.fi kaiyuan.li@univ-lille.fr stevelikai@126.com
(1).1997.9 - 2001.7 西南交通大学 土木工程专业 学士学位
(2).2001.9 - 2004.7 西南交通大学 环境工程专业 硕士学位
(3).2005.9 - 2008.7 中国科学技术大学 安全技术及工程专业 博士学位
(4).2008.11 - 2012.10 新西兰坎特伯雷大学 土木工程系 博士后、讲师
(5).2012.10 –2015.9 中国科学技术大学 火灾科学国家重点实验室 特聘副教授
(6).2015.9 –2017.9 芬兰阿尔托大学 VTT国家研究中心 研究员
(7).2017.9 –2019.1 法国科学院材料与转化实验室 高级研究员、客座教授
(8).2016.5 –2016.5 英国帝国理工学院 访问学者
(7)Thermal Properties of Fiber Cement at Ambient Temperature,2011年3月至2011年5月,Per Olsson Fire Consultancy, Australia,横向项目。金额:2,000澳元。
(1)Fire-safe materials by pyrolysis modelling,2016年至2020年,芬兰国家自然科学基金项目,金额:1100,000欧元。第一参与人。
(2)纵向风作用下不同海拔公路隧道受限火羽流行为特征研究, 2014年至2017年,国家自然科学基金面上项目,金额:800,000元。第一参与人。
(3)Building Safety Design-Fire Tool for use in a Risk-Informed Regulatory Environment,2007年至2012年,Foundation for Research Science and Technology。金额:500,000新元。负责风险理论研究
(4)The Fallout of Single Glazing Under Radiant Heat Exposure,2008年至2009年,University of Canterbury。金额:10,000新元。硕士生导师
(5)Post-Earthquake Fires and Damage to Fire Safety Systems,2011年至2012年,Natural Hazards Platform。金额:48,856新元。负责现场实验。
期刊文章(Journal Papers):
1. F. Wu, R. Zhou, G. Shen, J. Jiang, K. Li (Corresponding Author), Effects of ambient pressure on smoke back-layering in subway tunnel fires. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 79: 134-142. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 1.741,隧道类顶级期刊,3区)
2. J. Fang, X. He, K. Li (Corresponding Author), J. Wang, Y. Zhang, Transition condition and control mechanism of subatmospheric flame spread rate over horizontal thin paper sample. Combustion and Flame, 2018, 188: 90-93.
3. Huaxian Wan, Zihe Gao, Jie Ji, Jinhua Sun, Yongming Zhang, Kaiyuan Li, Predicting heat fluxes received by horizontal targets from two buoyant turbulent diffusion flames of propane burning in still air, Combustion and Flame, 2018, 190:260-269.
4. Man Li, Zihe Gao, Jie Ji, Kaiyuan Li, Modeling of positive pressure ventilation to prevent smoke spreading in sprinklered high-rise buildings, Fire Safety Journal, , 2018, 95: 87-100.
5. D. Baroudi, A. Ferrantelli, K.Y. Li (Corresponding Author), S. Hostikka, A thermomechanical explanation for the topology of crack patterns observed on the surface of charred wood and particle fibreboard, Combustion and Flame, 2017, 182:206-215.(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 4.168 顶级期刊,2区)
6. K. Li (Corresponding Author), M. Mousavi, S. Hostikka, Char cracking of medium density fibreboard due to thermal shock effect induced pyrolysis shrinkage, Fire Safety Journal, , 2017, 91: 165-173.(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 0.936,火灾类顶级期刊,3区)
7. Q. Liang, Y. Li, J. Li, H. Xu, K. Li (Corresponding Author), Numerical studies on the smoke control by water mist screens with transverse ventilation in tunnel fires, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 64 (2017) 177-183. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 1.741,隧道类顶级期刊,3区)
8. J. Ji, X.Yuan, K. Li (Corresponding Author), L. Yang, J. Sun, A mathematical model for burning rate of n-heptane pool fires under external wind conditions in long passage connected to a shaft, Applied Thermal Engineering, 116 (2017) 91-99. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 3.043 顶级期刊,2区)
9. C.G. Fan, J.Q. Zhang, K.J. Zhu, K.Y. Li (Corresponding Author), An experimental study of temperature and heat flux in a channel with an asymmetric thermal plume, Applied Thermal Engineering, 113 (2017) 1128-1136. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 3.043 顶级期刊,2区)
10. J. Ji, Y. Bi, K. Venkatasubbaiah, K. Li (Corresponding Author), Influence of aspect ratio of tunnel on smoke temperature distribution under ceiling in near field of fire source, Applied Thermal Engineering, 106 (2016) 1094-1102. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 3.043 顶级期刊,2区)
11. K. Li, S. Hostikka, P. Dai, Y. Li, H. Zhang, J. Ji, Charring shrinkage and cracking of fir during pyrolysis in inert atmosphere and different ambient pressures. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017, 36: 3185–3194. DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2016.07.001 (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 4.1 顶级期刊,2区)
12. X. Huang, K. Li (Corresponding Author), H. Zhang. Modelling bench-scale fire on engineered wood: effects of flame and physicochemical properties. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017, 36: 3167–3175. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 4.1 顶级期刊,2区)
13. Wan, H., Ji, J., Li, K., Huang, X., Sun, J., Zhang, Y. Effect of air entrainment on flame height of multiple fires in open space. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017, 36:3003–3010. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 4.1 顶级期刊,2区)
14. Fu, Y., Gao, Z., Ji, J., Li, K., Zhang, Y. Experimental study of flame spread over diesel and diesel-wetted sand beds. Fuel, 2017, 204: 54-62. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 3.611 顶级期刊,2区)
15. Li, M., Gao, Z., Ji, J., Li, K., Sun, J. Wind effects on flame projection probability from a compartment with opposing openings, Fire Safety Journal, 2017.(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 0.936,火灾类顶级期刊,3区)
16. Xu, L., Zhou, Y., Li, K., Liu, C., Cheng, X. Experimental study on fire behaviors of external thermal insulation composite system under vertical radiation, Fire and Materials, 2017, DOI: 10.1002/fam.2422 . (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 1.317 火灾类顶级期刊,3区)
17. Wan, H., Gao, Z., Ji, J., Li, K., Sun, J., Zhang, Y. Experimental study on ceiling gas temperature and flame performances of two buoyancy-controlled propane burners located in a tunnel, Applied Energy, 2017, 185: 573-581. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor:5.746顶级期刊,1区)
18. Ji, J., Wan, H., Gao, Z., Fu, Y., Sun, J., Zhang, Y., Li, K., Hostikka, S. Experimental study on flame merging behaviors from two pool fires along the longitudinal centerline of model tunnel with natural ventilation, Combustion and Flame, 2016, 173: 307-318.(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 4.168 顶级期刊,2区)
19. Jiang, X., Liu, M., Wang, J., Li, K. (Corresponding Author) Study on air entrainment coefficient of one-dimensional horizontal movement stage of tunnel fire smoke in top central exhaust, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2016, 60: 1-9.(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 1.741,隧道类顶级期刊,3区)
20. Ji, J., Lin, S., Zhao, C., Li, K., Gao, Z. Experimental study on initial temperature influence on flame spread characteristics of diesel and gasoline–diesel blends, Fuel, 2016, 178: 283-289. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 3.611 顶级期刊,2区)
21. Zhang, S., Cheng, X., Yao, Y., Zhu, K., Li, K., Lu, S., Zhang, R., Zhang, H. An experimental investigation on blockage effect of metro train on the smoke back-layering in subway tunnel fires, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 99:214-223. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 3.043 顶级期刊,2区)
22. Zhang, S., Yao, Y., Zhu, K., Li, K., Zhang, R., Lu, S., Cheng, X. Prediction of smoke back-layering length under different longitudinal ventilations in the subway tunnel with metro train, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2016, 53:13-21.(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 1.741,隧道类顶级期刊,3区)
23. Li, K.Y., Pau, D., Zhang, H.P. Pyrolysis of polyurethane foam: optimized search for kinetic properties via simultaneous K–K method, genetic algorithm and elemental analysis. Fire and Materials, 2016, 40: 800–817. DOI: 10.1002/fam.2343 (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 1.317 火灾类顶级期刊,3区)
24. Li, K.Y., Wang, J.H., Ji, J. An Experimental Investigation on Char Pattern and Depth at Post-Flashover Compartments using Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF). Fire and Materials. 2016, 40: 368–384. DOI: 10.1002/fam.2291.(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 1.317 火灾类顶级期刊,3区)
25. Ji, J., Li, M., Li, K., Yuan, M., Sun, J. Ambient wind effect on combustion characteristics in compartment with simultaneous door and window opened. Energy and Buildings, 2015, 105:217-225.(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 2.973,顶级期刊,2区)
26. Li, K.Y. (Corresponding Author), Pau, D.S.W., Wang, J.H., Ji, J. Modelling Pyrolysis of Charring Materials: Determining Flame Heat Flux using Bench-Scale Experiments of Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF). Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 123: 39–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2014.10.043(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 2.750 顶级期刊,2区)
27. Ji, J., Wan, H.X., Li, K.Y. (Corresponding Author), Han, J., Sun J. A numerical study on upstream maximum temperature in inclined urban road tunnel fires. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 88: 516–526. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 2.383 顶级期刊,2区)
28. Ji, J., Fu, Y.Y., Fan, C.G., Gao, Z.H., Li, K.Y. An experimental investigation on thermal characteristics of sidewall fires in corridor-like structures with varying width. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 84:562-570. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 2.383 顶级期刊,2区)
29. J. Ji, Wan, H.X., Li, Y.F., Li, K.Y. (Corresponding Author) Influence of Relative Location of Two Openings on Fire and Smoke Behaviors in a Stairwell Connected to a Compartment. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2015, 89: 264–271. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 2.563 顶级期刊,2区)
30. Ji, J., Yuan, X., Li, K., Sun, J. Influence of the External Wind on Flame Shapes of N-Heptane Pool Fires in Long Passage Connected to a Shaft. Combustion and Flame, 2015, 162(5):2098-2107. DOI:10.1016/j.combustflame.2015.01.008(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 4.168 顶级期刊,2区)
31. He, S., Cheng, X., Li, Z., Shi, X., Li, K., Zhang H. Facile Synthesis of Sponge Reinforced Monolithic Silica Aerogels with Improved Mechanical Property and Excellent Absorptivity. Materials Letters, 2015, DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2015.02.101(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 2.269 顶级期刊,2区)
32. Li, K.Y., Huang X., Fleischmann C., Rein G., Ji, J., Pyrolysis of Medium-Density Fiberboard: Optimized Search for Kinetics Scheme and Parameters via a Genetic Algorithm Driven by Kissinger’s Method. Energy & Fuels, 2014. 28: 6130-6139. DOI: 10.1021/ef501380c (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 2.835 顶级期刊,2区)
33. Ji J., Fu Y., Li K. (Corresponding Author), Sun J., Fan C., Shi W. Experimental study on behavior of sidewall fires at varying height in a corridor-like structure. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015, 35: 2639–2646. DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2014.06.041 (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 3.8 顶级期刊,2区)
34. Li, K.Y., Pau, D.S.W., Hou, Y.N., Ji, J. Modelling Pyrolysis of Charring Materials: Determining Kinetic Properties and Heat of Pyrolysis of Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF). Industry & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2014, 53:141-149. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 2.567 顶级期刊,2区)
35. Gao, Z., Ji, J., Wan, H., Li, K., Sun, J. An Investigation of the Detailed Flame Shape and Flame Length under the Ceiling of a Channel. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2014.06.078(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor:4.1 顶级期刊,2区)
36. Fu, Y., Lu, S., Li, K., Liu, C., Cheng, X. An Experimental Study on Burning Behaviors of 18650 Lithium Ion Batteries using a Cone Calorimeter. Journal of Power Sources, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2014.09.039(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 5.211 顶级期刊,1区)
37. Liang, C., Cheng, X., Li, K., Yang, H., Yuen, K.K. Experimental Study on Flame Spread Behavior along Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Corner Walls at Different Altitudes. Journal of Fire Science, 2014, 32:84-96.(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 1.258 火灾类期刊,3区)
38. Li, K.Y., Cheng, X.D., Zhang, H.P. A Simplified Model on Vertical Density Profile and Shrinkage Ratio of Virgin and Charred Medium Density Fibreboard. Fire and Materials. 2014, 38: 659–672. DOI: 10.1002/fam.2207 (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 1.317 火灾类顶级期刊,3区)
39. Li, K.Y. (Corresponding Author), Fleischmann, C.M., Spearpoint, M.J. Determining Thermal Physical Properties of Pyrolyzing New Zealand Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF). Chemical Engineering Science, 2013, 95:211-220. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 2.750顶级期刊,2区)
40. Wang, J., Chu, G., Li, K. Study on the uncertainty of the available time under ship fire based on Monte Carlo sampling method, China Ocean Engineering, 2013,27 (1):131-140. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 0.435,4区)
41. Pau, D.S.W., Fleischmann, C.M., Spearpoint, M.J., Li, K.Y. Thermophysical Properties of Polyurethane Foams and Their Melts. Fire and Materials, 2014, 38: 659–672. DOI: 10.1002/fam.2188(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 1.208 火灾类顶级期刊,3区)
42. Pau, D.S.W., Fleischmann, C.M., Spearpoint, M.J., Li, K.Y. Determination of Kinetic Properties of Polyurethane Foam Decomposition for Pyrolysis Modelling. Journal of Fire Science, 2013, 31:356-384.(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 1.258 火灾类期刊,3区)
43. Ho, C.L., Li, K.Y. (Corresponding Author), Spearpoint, M.J., Numerical Simulation of Scale-Model Smoke Contamination of Upper Atrium Levels by a Channelled Balcony Spill Plume, Fire and Materials, 2013, 37:581-596,(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 1.317 火灾类顶级期刊,3区)
44. Li, K.Y., Spearpoint, M.J., Evaluation of Simplified Calculation Methods for Determining Heat Transfer between a Smoke Flow and a Sprinkler Spray, Journal of Fire Science, 2012, 30: 92-109.(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 1.258 火灾类期刊,3区)
45. Li, K.Y. (Corresponding Author), Spearpoint, M.J. Simplified Calculation Method for Determining Smoke Downdrag Due to a Sprinkler Spray. Fire Technology, 2011, 47:781-800. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 1.2 美国消防协会会刊,3区)
46. Li, S.C., Chen, Y., Li, K.Y. (Corresponding Author). A Mathematical Model on Adjacent Smoke Filling Involved Sprinkler Cooling to a Smoke Layer. Safety Science, 2011, 49:670-678.(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 1.637,4区)
47. Ji, J., Zhong, W., Li, K.Y. (Corresponding Author) et al. A Simplified Calculation Method on Maximum Smoke Temperature under the Ceiling in Subway Station Fires. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2011, 26:490-496.(SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 1.741,隧道类顶级期刊,3区)
48. Li, K.Y., Spearpoint, M.J., Ji, J., Huo, R., Li, Y.Z. A Mathematical Model on the Drag Component of a Sprinkler Spray to Adjacent Horizontal Smoke Venting. Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, 2010, 20: 27-54. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor 2010: 0.259, 美国消防工程师学会会刊,4区)
49. Li, K.Y., Huo, R., Ji, J., Ren, B.B. Experimental Investigation on Drag Effect of Sprinkler Spray to Adjacent Horizontal Natural Smoke Venting, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 174: 512-521. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor 2010: 4.836,1区)
50. Ji, J., Li, K.Y., Zhong, W., Huo, R. Experimental Investigation on Influence of Smoke Venting Velocity and Vent Height on Mechanical Smoke Exhaust Efficiency, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 177: 209-215. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor 2010: 4.836,1区)
51. Li, K.Y., L.H. Hu, R. Huo et al. A Mathematical Model on Interaction of Smoke Layer with Sprinkler Spray. Fire Safety Journal, 2009, 44: 96-105. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 0.936,火灾类顶级期刊,3区)
52. Sun, X.Q., Hu, L.H., Huo, R., Chow, W.K., Fong, N.K., Lui, C.H., Li., K.Y. Studies on Smoke Movement in Stairwell Induced by an Adjacent Compartment Fire, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2009, 29: 2757-2765. (SCI-Indexed. Impact Factor: 3.043,2区)
53. 李开源, 霍然, 孙晓乾, 张村峰, 李思成. 衰减火源条件下喷淋烟气沉降特性模拟研究, 中国科学技术大学学报, 2009; 39:1-6
54. 李开源, 张村峰, 李思成, 霍然, 孙晓乾, 游宇航. 喷淋烟气层的积分稳定判据与实验验证. 燃烧科学与技术, 2008, 14(1): 67-72. (EI- Indexed)
55. 李思成,阳东,李开源,霍然,王浩波,胡隆华,游宇航. 喷淋液滴运动轨迹及其有效控制半径的理论模型研究. 中国科学技术大学学报, 2008,12(38):1460-1464.
56. 李开源, 胡隆华, 李元洲, 霍然, 李思成. 靶式流量计在火灾烟气流速测量中的应用. 火灾科学, 2007, 16(4): 147-154.
57. 王依晗, 李开源, 张和平. 水喷淋作用下建筑通道烟气蔓延特性模拟研究. 中国安全科学学报, 2010, 20(5): 62-66.
会议文章(Conference Papers):
1. Wong, D., Li, K.Y. (Presenter), Spearpoint, M.J. A Probabilistic Model for the Fallout Area of Single Glazing under Radiant Heat Exposure. In Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2014.2.10-14.
2. Pau, D., Fleischmann, C., Spearpoint, M., Li, K.Y. Sensitivity of Heat of Reaction for Polyurethane Foams. In Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2014.2.10-14.
3. 李开源,汪金辉. 基于遗传算法的中纤板热解动力学分析,中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会, 重庆, 2013年11月.
4. Li K. On Determining Density and Specific Heat of New Zealand Medium Density Fibreboard. 9th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, Anhui, China, 2012.
5. Li K.Y., M.J. Spearpoint and C.M. Fleischmann. Numerical Simulation of Smoke Downdrag due to a Sprinkler Spray using FDS, 8th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, 2010.
6. Li, K.Y., Spearpoint, M.J. A review of instability criteria of smoke layers under sprinkler spray, 2009 International Symposium on Fire Science and Fire Protection Engineering (ICFSFPE 2009), Beijing, China, 2009.
7. S.C. Li, D. Yang, R. Huo, L.H. Hu, Y.Z. Li, K.Y. Li, H.B. Wang, Studies of Cooling Effects of Sprinkler Spray on Smoke Layer, 9th International Association for Fire Safety Science, 2008.
8. X.Q. Sun, K.Y. Li, Y.Z. Li, R. Huo, W.R. ZENG. Comparison on Generation Principle of Carbon Monoxide Concentration in Pine Combustion between Plain and Altiplano Regions, 18th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (PYR08), 2008.
9. K.Y. Li, X.Q. Sun, R. Huo, P. Wang. A New Criterion for Stability of Smoke Layer under Sprinkler Spray, 7th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, 2007.
10. 李开源, 李元洲, 霍然, 彭伟, 纪杰, 孙晓乾. 洒水喷头近域不同排烟模式对比实验研究,第八届工程热物理会议燃烧学年会, 西安, 2008年10月.
特邀报告(Invited lecture):
1. Kinetics properties determination for fire modelling.Third Nordic Fire Dynamic Simulator User Group Conference on 19 to 20th April 2016, in Espoo, Finland
2. Modeling pyrolysis of medium density fibreboard-pyrolysis modeling present and future. The expert meeting on numerical simulation in terms of fire safe use of bio based building within COST Action FP1404 – Fire Safe Use of Bio-Based Building Product, 25 and 26 January 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia
3. 热解与火灾调查,2014特殊建筑火灾科学与消防技术研讨会,安徽,合肥,8月,2014.
4. 轰燃-火灾调查的挑战与机遇,火灾现场勘验与物证鉴定技术国际学术研讨会,沈阳,中国,4月,2013.(国际会议)
5. Interaction of smoke layer and sprinkler spray, SFPE Technical Meeting (新西兰消防局, 消防协会), Auckland, New Zealand. June, 2011.
(1) 横向项目“四川天府百联酒吧火灾风险评估”,主要负责烟气流动数值模拟和评估报告的编写
(2) Forest Hill Chase Redevelopment (某购物中心),2009年,负责方案设计
(3) Northern Heritage Motel (某汽车旅馆) ,2009年,负责方案设计
(4) A4463 ELF Stage 1 - Works Package 4, Puckapunyal Works School of Artillery - Building 1692 (某职业学校),2009年,负责子项目方案设计
(5) Marketown Newcastle Shopping Centre(某购物中心),2009年,负责方案审查
(6) 2-6 Moore Street Banksmeadow – Factory (某钢结构式临时建筑),2009年,负责方案审查
(1) 四川双马汽车厂生活及消防给水工程设计和施工。
(2) 四川蓝剑啤酒集团排水工程设计和施工。
(1) 一种用于锥形量热仪的一体式样品架 发明专利 ZL 2014 2 0021786.0中国 2016-4-13排1
(2) 一种外界风作用下腔室火灾模拟实验装置 实用新型 ZL 2014 2 0057362.X中国 2016-4-13排3
(3) 一种外界风作用下高层建筑楼梯井或竖井火灾模拟实验装置 实用新型ZL 2014 2 0057338.6中国 2014-7-9 排4
(4) 一种能够改变环境压力和气氛条件的材料无焰热解和有焰燃烧实验箱 实用新型ZL 2015 1 0182098.1中国 2014-1-29 排3
(1) 论文“Experimental investigation on influence of smoke venting velocity and vent height on mechanical smoke exhaust efficiency”获安徽省第七届自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖。
(2) 论文“Pyrolysis of medium-density fiberboard: optimized search for kinetics scheme and parameters via a genetic algorithm driven by Kissinger’s method”获安徽省第八届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖。