张英,威廉希尔体育教授、博士生导师,湖北省高层次青年人才、香江学者。2012年毕业于中国科学技术大学安全科学与工程专业,获工学博士学位;2016-2018年赴香港理工大学从事博士后研究工作;现任威廉希尔体育教授。近年来主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金等国家级项目6项,省部级项目 3 项,以及GF项目等课题20余项。以第一或通讯作者发表论文 70余篇,授权专利 12 项,获国际和省部级奖4项。
[1] 湖北省高层次青年人才计划
[2] “香江学者”人才计划
[3] 中国职业安全健康协会防火防爆专业委员会委员
[4] 湖北省应急管理专家库专家
[5] 威廉希尔体育优秀班主任
[6] 威廉希尔体育优秀研究生指导教师
[7] 全国安全科学与工程类专业本科毕业论文提名优秀奖指导教师
[8] 《Frontier in Materials》客座主编及多个SCI期刊客座编辑
[9] 威廉希尔体育教学成果奖特等奖;
[10] 威廉希尔体育教师教学创新大赛一等奖、二等奖及青年教师教学竞赛三等奖
[1] 本科生课程:安全系统工程、安全检测与监测、安全工程学、公共安全与应急管理
[2] 研究生课程:系统安全分析与评价、安全检测技术
主持科研项目 (2010年以来)
[1] 国家重点研发计划课题(2023YFC3008802), 典型危化品运输罐车运行状态安全风险智能预警技术及装备研发,2023-2026。
[2] 国家自然科学基金项目(52374225), 光伏阵列火灾孕育机制及离散火动力学行为演化规律研究,2024-2027。
[3] 湖北省高层次青年人才计划项目,能源利用过程中热灾害防控技术,2024-2026;
[4] 国家自然科学基金项目(52074202), 通电电缆火蔓延行为规律及“电-流-热”多场协同作用,2021-2024。
[5] 科技部国家重点研发计划子课题(2017YFC0804705),高效阻火隔爆多孔非金属复合材料及阻泄联动装备,2017-2020。
[6] 国家自然科学基金项目(51404178),狭长地下受限空间火灾蔓延规律及加速突变动力学机理, 2015-2017;
[7] “香江学者”人才计划项目(XJ2015037),建筑工人抗热个体冷却系统的研制,2016-2018;
[8] 国家科技支撑计划专题,船舶制造职业危害防护技术装备研究及工程示范, 2015-2017;
[9] 湖北省重点研发计划(2021BCA151),典型危险化学品泄漏事故监测预警-风险研判-智能处置关键技术研究,2021.07-2023.12.
[10] GF项目,DC电缆火灾荷载测试试验, 2019-2020;
[11] GF项目,XX区域火灾危险性分析与仿真评估, 2019-2020;
[12] GF项目,火灾多波段光信号采集与综合分析系统, 2020-2021;
[13] GF项目,201808HX01,2018-2019;
[14] GF项目,201808HX02,2018-2019;
[15] GF项目,201708HX10,2017-2019;
[16] GF项目,201708HX01,2017-2019;
[17] GF项目,XXX安全性指标设计之安全性评估计算方法研究, 2015-2016;
[1] Hong Kong Scholars Award, 2016年.
[4]亚太项目管理署项目管理卓越奖(APFPM Project Management Awards),Developing a Personal Cooling System for Combating Heat Stress in the Construction Industry,2019年,序11。
[5] 湖北省科学技术进步三等奖,工贸粉尘爆炸灾害监测预警与应急处置关键技术及装备, 2023 年,序 4。
1.Wei Zeng, Chuyuan, Sihang Hu, Silin Li, Ying Zhang*. The performance investigation and optimization of reciprocating flow applied for liquid-cooling-based battery thermal management system. Energy Conversion and Management, 292 (2023): 117378. (SCI) (IF=11.533, 中科院1区, Top期刊)
2. Sihang Hu, Shijie Wang, Chuyuan Ma, Ying Zhang*. Efficient purification of metal-organic framework and its trigger strategy in battery thermal management system. Energy Conversion and Management, 292 (2023): 117416. (SCI) (IF=11.533, 中科院1区, Top期刊)
3. Ying Zhang, Siyang Li, Binbin Mao,* Jihao Shi, Xiankai Zhang, Liang Zhou. A multi-level early warning strategy for the LiFePO4 battery thermal runaway induced by overcharge. Applied Energy, 347 (2023): 121375. (SCI) (IF=11.2, 中科院1区, Top期刊)
4. Ying Zhang, Chuyuan Ma, Menglin Yang, Dachao Yuan, Kaixuan Tang, Changwei Li *, Binbin Mao, Can additive carbon nanotubes reduce the PMMA fire risk?, Fire Safety Journal, 136, 2023,103757. (SCI) (IF=3.78, JCR=Q2)
5. 张乃平,马永飞,杨孟霖,张英*. 锂电池火灾灭火技术研究综述, 中国安全生产科学技术,2022,018(007):47-53 .
6. 刘小杰,张英,刘洋,李琪.锂离子电池热管理系统综述[J].电池,2022,52(02):208-212.
7. 胡斯航,王世杰,刘洋,张英*.锂离子电池热失控风险综述[J].电池,2022,52(01):96-100.
8. Teng Jia, Ying Zhang*, Chuyuan Ma, Siyang Li, Hang Yu, Ganghua Liu, The early warning for overcharge thermal runaway of lithium-ion batteries based on a composite parameter, Journal of Power Sources, 555, 2023, 232393. (SCI) (IF=9.794, 中科院2区, Top期刊)
9. Ying Zhang, Menglin Yang, Dachao Yuan, Changwei Li, Yongfei Ma, Shuai Wang, Shasha Wang*, Fire hazards of PMMA-based composites combined with expandable graphite and multi-walled carbon nanotubes: A comprehensive study, Fire Safety Journal, 135, 2023,103727. (SCI) (IF=3.78, JCR=Q2)
10. Sihang Hu, Shijie Wang, Ying Zhang*, Chuyuan Ma, Shuxian Wu, Linjie Li, Effect of passive thermal management system on the electro-thermal performance of battery module, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 183, 2023, 107842. (SCI) (IF=4.779, 中科院2区, JCR=Q1) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2022.107842.
11.Shasha Wang, Ying Zhang*. An innovative binary nano-catalytic flame retardant system for improving the fire safety performance of polypropylene[J]. Materials Letters, 2022(324),132663. (SCI) (IF=3.574, JCR=Q2)
12. Wei Zeng, Yi Niu, Silin Li, Sihang Hu, Binbin Mao, Ying Zhang*, Cooling performance and optimization of a new hybrid thermal management system of cylindrical battery, Applied Thermal Engineering, 217 (2022): 119171. (SCI) (IF=6.465, JCR=Q1,Top期刊) .
13. Beini Zhang, Ying Zhang, Kaiyuan Li, Chuyuan Ma, Bihe Yuan, Novel segregated-structure phase change materials with binary fillers and the application effect in battery thermal management, Journal of Energy Storage, 54(2022):105336. (SCI) (IF=8.907, ,JCR=Q1) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2022.105336.
14.Sihang Hu, Shijie Wang, Chuyuan Ma, Siyang Li, Xiaojie Liu, Ying Zhang*. A hybrid cooling method with low energy consumption for lithium-ion battery under extreme conditions, Energy Conversion and Management, 266 (2022): 115831. (SCI) (IF=11.533, 中科院1区, Top期刊)
15. Chuyuan Ma, Ying Zhang, Sihang Hu, Xiaojie Liu, Song He*, A copper nanoparticle enhanced phase change material with high thermal conductivity and latent heat for battery thermal management, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 78 (2022): 104814. (IF=3.916, JCR=Q2) (员工第一,导师第二)
16. Ying Zhang, Qi Li, Kaixuan Tang, Yifan Lin, Surface inclination effects on heat transfer during flame spread acceleration based on FireFOAM, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Volume 32 (2022): 101905. (SCI) (IF=4.724, 中科院2区, JCR=Q1)
17. Kaixuan Tang, Song Wu, Hongming Zhang, Changwei Li, Bihe Yuan, Ying Zhang*, Analysis of heat transfer during flame spread over energized-wire under high currents, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 171 (2022): 10719. (SCI) (IF=4.779, 中科院2区, JCR=Q1)
18.Zhang, Y., Zhang, W., Li, K., Tang, K., & Liu, Z. (2021). Dripping behavior effects on flame propagation along electrical wires under high currents. Fire Safety Journal, 123(2021):103368. (SCI) (IF=2.764, JCR=Q2)
19. Zhang Ying, Zhang Wei, Li Kaiyuan*, et al., Flame attachment effect on the distributions of flow, temperature and heat flux of inclined fire plume, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 174 (2021): 121313. (SCI) (IF=4.974, 中科院1区, Top 期刊)
20. Zhang Y, Zhang B, Chen Y*, et al., Effectiveness and mechanism of sodium phytate as a green inhibitor for the dust deflagration of lysine sulfate, Process Safety and Environmental Protection 147 (2021): 772-787 (SCI) (IF=4.384, JCR=Q1)
21. Zhang Ying, Li Changwei, Zhang Wei, et al., The control mechanisms of lysine sulfate dust deflagration flame propagation based on flame microstructures and time scale analysis. Powder Technology, 389 (2021) : 259 - 269. (SCI) (IF=3.413, JCR=Q1, Top 期刊)
22. 张威,张英,李常委等.基于PIV的不同受限形式下火羽流流场特性研究[J].中国安全科学学报,2020(06):135-141.
23. 邓康,张英,徐伯乐等.磷酸铁锂电池组燃烧特性研究[J].中国安全科学学报,2019,(11):83-88.
24. 张英,宋舆涵,蒋帅等.突扩管道中H2/Air预混火焰传播特性的数值模拟[J].中国安全科学学报,2019,(07):33-38.
25. Ying Zhang, Kaixuan Tang, Zhiyang Liu, et al. Experimental study on thermal and fire behaviors of energized PE-insulated wires under overload currents, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020,https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-020-09745-1, (SCI) (IF=2.471, JCR=Q2) (2020.05.06)
26. Y. Chen , Y.J. Wang, Y. Zhang*, et al., Effects of moisture and particle size distribution on flame propagation of L-lysine sulfate powder, Journal of Loss Prevention in Process Industries, 2020 (67): 104244. (SCI) (IF=2.795, JCR=Q2)
27. Ying Zhang, Xiande Song, Chuyuan Ma, et al., Effects of the structure arrangement and spacing on the thermal characteristics of Li-ion battery pack at various discharge rates, Applied Thermal Engineering, 165 (2020): 114610. (SCI) (IF=4.725, JCR=Q1).
28. Ying Zhang, Zhiyang Liu, Kaixuan Tang, et al., New approaches to determine the interface height of fire smoke based on a three-layer zone model and its verification in large confined space, Fire and Materials,2019,44(1): 130-138. (SCI) (IF=1.925, JCR=Q4).
29. Ying Zhang, Kaixuan Tang, Hong Duan, et al., Modified carbon-dioxide measurement to predict the heat release rate of fire burning in a compartment based on the three-zone model, Fire and Materials, 2019, 43(3):256-265. (SCI) (IF=1.925, JCR=Q4).
30. 张英, 宋舆涵, 蒋帅等, 突扩管道中氢气/空气预混气体火焰传播特性的数值模拟研究, 中国安全科学学报. 2019, 29(7):33-38. (中文核心,A区).
31. A.P.C. Chan, Y. Zhang*, F. Wang, F.F.K. Wong, D.W.M. Chan, A field study of the effectiveness and practicality of a novel hybrid personal cooling vest worn during rest in Hong Kong construction industry, J. Therm. Biol. 70 (2017) 21–27. (SCI)
32.Y. Zhang, X. Chen, Y. Song, et al., The deceleration mechanism and the critical extinction angle of downward flame spread over inclined cellulosic solids, Applied Thermal Engineering, 124 (2017) 185–190. (SCI)
33. Zhang Ying, Sun Jinhua, Huang Xinjie, et al., Heat transfer mechanisms in horizontal flame spread over wood and extruded polystyrene surfaces, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 61, 28-34. (SCI)
34. Ying Zhang, Jie Ji, Qingsong Wang, XinJie Huang, JinHua Sun, Qiuhong Wang, Prediction of the critical condition for flame acceleration over wood surface with different sample orientations, Combustion and Flame, 2012,159:2999-3002. (SCI)
35. Ying Zhang, Jie Ji, Jie Li, Jinhua Sun, Qingsong Wang, Xinjie Huang,Effects of altitude and sample width on the characteristics of horizontal flame spread over wood sheets, Fire Safety Journal, 2012,51:120-125. (SCI)
36. Ying Zhang, Xinjie Huang, Qingsong Wang, Jie Ji, Jinhua Sun, Yi Yin, Experimental study on the characteristics of horizontal flame spread over XPS surface on plateau, Journal of Hazardous Material, 2011,189:34-39. (SCI)
37. Ying Zhang, Jie Ji, Xinjie Huang, Jinhua Sun, Qingsong Wang, The effects of sample width on flame spread over horizontal charring solid surfaces on plateau, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011,56(9):919-924. (SCI)
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